Rajesh Considering Odoo ERP as alternate of SAP ERP solution? Odoo ERP as alternate of SAP ERP solution ERP stands for enterprise resource planning. Companies have relied on it since 90’s just to streamline processes and improve data visibility around finance pr...
Tushar C odoo cluster setup on rancher Odoo Cluster Setup on Rancher At Silent Infotech we have successfully deployed an odoo cluster using the rancher platform in order to manage the huge number of users and a good amount of concurrent us...
Ilesh M Odoo Integration with SPSCommerce (Electronic Data Interchange(EDI)) Why EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) – An overview? Each business being an independently operating organization, most of them use different ERP or Business management Software tools either Web / Clou...
Ilesh M New Odoo 15 Features What’s the BIG news? Odoo is yet back with another terrific version – Odoo 15 . Like every year, Odoo comes up with an upgrade with a better user experience keeping in mind how to easily use the platf...
Ilesh M Build a Multi-Vendor Marketplace with Odoo × Request A FREE Demo!! Your Name * Phone Number Your Email * Subject * Submit Multi-vendor Marketplace During the pandemic, the vendors operating have been vastly affected. Imagine having a single pl...
Amit K How To Secure Apache with Let's Encrypt on Ubuntu This post will show you how to set up a TLS/SSL certificate from Let’s Encrypt on an Ubuntu server running Apache as a web server. Introduction about SSL SSL stands for Secure Socket Layer. SSL is a p...
Jignesh V Why Migrate From QuickBooks To Odoo? Why Migrate From QuickBooks To Odoo? Accounting is a crucial component of every organization, large or small. Accountants have access to some of the most critical information about the organization si...
Rajesh How to Future-Proof Your Warehouse Technologies? How to Future-Proof Your Warehouse Technologies? Revolution has left no industry untouched. Warehouses are not an exception too. Since the logistics industry started evolving, warehouses have adopted ...
Devendra R Advance Odoo Configurations: Routes & Procurement Advance Odoo Configurations: A route is a group of procurement rules and pushes rules. Odoo can manage advanced push/pull routes configuration. Configuration: Procurement rules are the part of the rou...
Tushar C How to connect to PPTP server from linux Step-by-step Guide to connect PPTP server from Linux How you could connect to PPTP server from linux to access your office network? Goto Edit Connections - Add New Connection Choose Point-to-Point Tun...
Devendra R Silent Infotech hosting solutions Hosting solution We all know that the cloud is a safe secure location for your business data and applications. However, at Silent Infotech we have a bigger vision. The cloud allows your business to...
Ilesh M Odoo vs MRPeasy – A detailed MRP software comparison for SMEs. Manufacturing Business – Choosing the Right Software In today’s evolving and swiftly changing world it is very necessary to choose right software which is very suitable to your business needs and addr...